Saturday, May 27, 2017

Top 8 Toughest Animals

Animals need toughness to survive in the wild. Some animals have toughness that's already exist to their kind because of their ancestor and some animals are still evolving to adapt to the place they lived in. But these animal's toughness are better than any other animals. Here's Top 8 Toughest Animals.


Hybrid Camel, also called the Bactriomedary, Turkoman, Tülu, Bukht, Nar, Iner, Iver, Majen, Bertuar, Yaml, Dromano, and Dromel, are large one-humped camel than mostly drink but rarely piss. Bactriomedary's sound is closely resemble an old car machine and it's top-haired hump resembles a pyramid that blasted in the roof. Bactriomedary it's pretty rare because Arabians and Egyptians prefer cars more than camels because camels are loud, slow, and poop a lot. Bactriomedaries are also tough. Everyday they fight the scorching heat and the strong wind of a desert. They have larger hump than the 2 other camels to store more fat and water. The strong bactrian and the fast dromedary make a strong camel that can fight double of their challenges. Its pretty badass.


The Brown Rats, or sometimes called Norwegian Rats, Roof Rats, Sewer Rats, Common Rats, Street Rats, Wharf Rats, or just Rats, are one of the toughest and smartest animals on Earth. Although they're small, but they're really tough. They live in extreme cold of northern Siberian range, even the scorching heat of the Sahara, and they also very easy to adapt anywhere they lived. They're live everywhere except for both Arctic and Antarctic Circle, and Alberta. They're resistant to nuclear radiation, very hardy and adaptable, and hard to kill with poison. They can eat anything from leftover food, carcass, garbage, cockroach, even wood. Rats also one of the first animals that sent to space because they're very adaptable! They have sex 20 times a day, and make more than hundred of millions of descendants per year. This filthy animal is one of the survivor of human colonization.


American Cockroach, or simply cockroach, is the most common cockroach that can live in every dirty places. Cockroaches can squeeze in to tight places and can survive nuclear radiation. Once an island be a subject on a nuclear test. The nuclear bomb release to the island and destroy most of the island and kill most of the animal. The surviving one, only the cockroach. Cockroaches also the one that make the scorpion invasion to the suburbs in America. The dirty houses in America drags in cockroach which also drag their predators. Cockroach can also eat about anything from rotten food, dust, hair, and even, soap. One more trick that's cockroach have is they can live without their head until 7 days, before dying from starvation.


Walking Catfish, also called Lele in Indonesia, are freshwater fish endemic to Indonesia, that already spread to the most southeastern and southern Asia. This catfish is known to be really tough cause they can live in a place with small amount of water, food, and oxygen. In Indonesia, this catfish made to be a food called "Pecel Lele" or fried catfish. It is more delicious than pizza and spaghetti combined (for me). Since it adapted to places with low oxygen and small amount of food, they known to eat anything, and can breathe once every several minutes. Frogs, Rats, and even Birds ever found in this guy's stomach, because its a hungry little guy. They named walking catfish because they can move in the ground which resembles walking. Walking catfish can survive out of water if its still wet. The catfish also invades several U.S. states such as Florida (partner in crime with the Snakehead). The catfish also reported in California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Georgia. Most walking catfish in Indonesia found in ricefields and other muddy places with low oxygen and small amount of food. These guys are true survivors.


The Queensland Lungfish, or Lungfish for short, is a lung-breathing fish that makes asthma sounds when breathe. The lungfish is one of the oldest fish in the world that's almost didn't change a thing since the Mesozoic Era. The lungfish have a brain that resembles the coelacanth's (a fish that also almost never evolved, but looks more ancient) brain. This fish has fins that resembles our arms and the skin texture resembles the salamander. The lungfish is known to be very hardy and can live in low oxygenated water. When the raining season in northern Australia was ended, the lungfish begins to make a slimy cocoon, to "hibernate" until the next raining season. The hibernation den of the lungfish is sometimes in under buildings, behind walls, or an abandoned rat nest. Bears only hibernate for 8 months, but lungfishes hibernate up to 4 years! Yes! 4 years just for waiting a rain! This old fishes are tough.


Wood frog is an amphibian native to northern North America. They known to live in extreme condition and their female is larger than their male, but both of those facts is not what makes the wood frog got famous. They're tough because they can live after being completely FROZEN. They hibernate through the winter by getting frozen with the water. When it froze, it cannot move, and you not see any frog in this wood frog hibernation. You just see a bunch of cells struggling to stay alive. The other body parts including the lungs and the heart, are dead. 65% of the frog's body waters are frozen. The body temperature is below -3°C. But wait, when the spring is come, then the snow are melting. The wood frog slowly gets unfrozen, then when the cells goes back to activate the rest of the body parts, the frog's start moving, then make it's leap. That's the story about how wood frog pass the winter, and how they become in the number 3 of this countdown.


The Winter Tick, or Moose Tick, is a tick that f*ck the moose. The tick spend all of its time in their host (a deer or a moose). Scientist ever discovered a skinny moose with 75.000 individuals of ticks, which times after they found that moose, the moose was found again, but it lays on the ground, and dead. When the ticks are already mature, they will fall to the ground to lay eggs and the eggs will hatch and crawl to a passing animal. A job like this need patients. They need to wait, and wait, and wait, until there's an animal passing by that they can crawl onto and live in there forever. The waiting time of the tick it's months until there's an animal passing by. But the tick gets more patient if no animal pass them. They can wait up to 10 years. Without food, without shelter, and without moving. No food for 10 years. Can you survive that? Just sitting in one place, does nothing but wait for ten years? Although no much know about this guy, but we know, they're really tough.


Milnesium Tardigradums, or more commonly called Water Bears and Tardigrades, are somekind of arachnids or something that endemic to everywhere. They survived the places that we humans can't even stay longer than a few minutes there. They're found in the deepest sea level, the cold Antarctica plus the colder Antarctic Sea, the scorching heat of Sahara, and even, the empty oxygen-less outer space. Tardigrades are also have a high radioresistant and capable for living more than 200 years. They are actually omnivores and also cannibals. The Milnesium Tardigradum is the strongest of all species and subspecies of tardigrade because they're the only one that proofed can live in outer space. This animal that smaller than a rice are the king of the toughest because they can live in places with no oxygen, places with extreme heat, places with nuclear radiation, places with toxic waste, and even, they can live more than 200 years.

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